Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Senses in Balance

Our five senses are windows, which open out to the world through which energy flows in two directions. The senses receive impressions and information from the world, and at the same time transmit our personalities to others. Our eyes receive a constant stream of visual messages, but we may also use the eyes to show how we feel. Through our ears we hear the sounds of life; while by "lending an ear" to others we give comfort to them. Touch allows us to experience texture; but can also transmit love and assurance. Our senses are not merely instruments, but deep-rooted aspects of the self or the soul.

“To be able to bend means to be a giver.”


There is usually a demand from situations for us to bow and bend. Even when it is not our mistake we are expected to understand or adjust. It seems very difficult at that time and we usually stand straight continuing to do what we believe in.


When such storms come in our life, we need to learn the art of bending, just as a flexible tree would bend to save itself in the storm and straighten once the storm passes over. To bend means to try to understand the other person also and to adopt the value of flexibility.

Self Introspection (Self-Observation)

Meditation is the process of getting to know myself completely, both who l am ‘inside’ and how I react to what is ‘outside’. Through meditation, I discover a very different ‘me’ from perhaps the stressed or troubled person who may seem to be ‘me’. I realise that my true nature, the real me, is actually very positive. I begin to discover an ocean of peace right here on my own doorstep.

The simplest definition of meditation is: the right use of the mind or positive thinking. It is not to prevent thoughts from arising in the mind, but to use them correctly. This is the principle of Rajyoga meditation taught by the Brahma Kumaris.

Meditation should be done for ten minutes at least two times a day. The best time is in the morning after a wash or shower, before you begin your day’s activities. Another good time is in the evening, when your day’s activities are over.
Sitting in a comfortable position with the back straight and read over the following words slowly and silently. Aim to experience and visualise them in your mind so that you begin to feel what is being described:

Let me imagine that nothing exists outside this room........
I feel completely isolated (separated) from the outside world and free to explore my inner world........
I turn all my attention inward, concentrating my thought energy on the centre of the forehead........
I feel disconnected from my physical body and the physical surroundings........
I become aware of the stillness (peace) around me and within me........
I begin to feel a sense of natural peacefulness........
Waves of peace gentle wash over me, removing any restlessness (uneasiness) and tension from my mind........
I concentrate on this feeling of deep peace........

just peace........
I........ am........ peace........
Peace is my true state of being........
My mind becomes very calm and clear........
I feel easy and content (satisfied)........
having returned to my natural consciousness of peace........
I sit for a while, enjoying this feeling of calmness and serenity (peacefulness)........

During the day, while performing any activities, keep reminding yourself: ‘Peace is my true nature'.

As you keep practising this meditation, such positive and peaceful thoughts will arise in the mind more and more easily, and peace of mind will become increasingly more natural.

“Trust brings help from others.”


Many times we find that we are not able to get sufficient help from others. We seem to be struggling all alone. We do expect help from others and might say so in words too, but we find that we are not always able to get full cooperation from others.


We will not get help from others if we expect and demand from others. Instead we need to develop faith in others that they will help. For this we need to develop total respect for each and everyone. It is this respect that will naturally encourage the other person to help us.

Positive Consciousness

The habitual way in which you use the house you live in and its contents are all affected if you use them in a positive consciousness (mental state). The result is purification while interacting with the physical object, so that when the object is in use, it fulfills its function accurately, and it has also undergone a permanent change. This can happen when you are cleaning the house, cleaning any object in the house or preparing objects for a particular purpose. If such actions are done in a positive consciousness then the physical object will have such a vibration of peace and purity that no harm can be done with it and whatever action it is used to perform will be successful. Any other soul who comes into interaction with those objects will also feel the affect of their pure vibrations.

If we perform each action with the physical body in a positive consciousness, then the physical body gets purified and we can become free of illnesses.

In our relationships it is the same principle. First there needs to be that detachment in relations. Secondly, when there is a positive consciousness, I will find that my interactions have a purifying affect on all that I relate to and I can bring benefit to everyone I meet.

In this way a positive mental state enables all actions to be successful, whether at work or at home.


Meditation is the process in which a meditator emerges the consciousness of being an incorporeal (non-physical) soul, or a point of spiritual energy, located between the two eyebrows with an identity separate from the physical body and connects with the Supreme Soul, who is also incorporeal (non-physical) or a point of spiritual energy but an ocean of the seven qualities – peace, bliss, love, joy, purity, knowledge, and power. By performing this practice in the early morning hours, the time which is called “Brahmamurta” or “Amrit Vela” (Sweet Nectar Time), over a period the meditator absorbs these qualities in himself, which he uses to perform his daily actions successfully.

Realizing The Law Of Karma

Many times one meets someone with the feeling of either attraction or repulsion and the thought “Where have I seen this person before?” What happens is that the soul recognizes the other soul, even though their bodies are different from the last time they met (in a previous birth). Someone may be a source of comfort or inspiration, while another for no apparent cause, causes a feeling of resentment, “Why does he treat me like this, I have never done anything to him?”

There are some, who even at a young age achieve extraordinary excellence in some branch of knowledge, art or music, while others in spite of their best efforts achieve nothing. Identical twins may be born to the same parents and have the same environment, food and education, but all their lives, their nature and “fortunes” will be completely different. All these examples can only be explained by the law of cause and effect (law of karma) over a series of births.

“Humility helps us maintain good relationships with others.”


When involved in something that we are doing, we naturally come into contact with a lot of people. We sometimes find that we are not able to get along with certain people. We find it very difficult to maintain a good relationship with them and finally avoid dealing with them all together.


The first thing to do is to avoid thinking that we cannot get along with someone because of their personality. When we remove this first block in our mind we will be able to see the good in all. We will no longer think that we are here to teach them but will humbly learn whatever we can from them.

Positive Thinking

The sun is a suitable image for positive thinking. The visualization described below uses a sunlit landscape as a comparison for the four levels of thoughts we create (positive, necessary, waste and negative). It can be used to increase your percentage of positive thoughts everyday.

1. Visualize a beautiful valley with a lake, forested foothills and high mountains rising up into the clouds. This is the landscape of your mind.

2. Your position in this landscape and the form in which you are displayed depends on the quality of your thoughts. Are you a fish swimming in the muddy depths of the lake (negative thoughts)? Are you a frog jumping back and forth from the shore to the lake (wasteful thoughts)? A human, wandering into the forest to gather food and build a shelter (necessary thoughts)? Or the sun, which sustains (nourishes) all life on earth (positive thoughts)?


A prison in Miami, USA had the highest levels of conflict, drug abuse and break-out rates amongst all prisons in the US. In came a new governor, who sent all the managers and staff of the prison on a three-day, customer service training course. When they returned he told them, “Now go back in there and treat the prisoners as if they were your customers.” Two years later the prison had the lowest levels of conflict, drug abuse and break-out rates in the US. Reason? One word. Respect. Instead of seeing the prisoners as low life trash (waste), they saw them as human beings with their original but suppressed dignity, and therefore worthy of their respect. It transformed (changed) the culture of the institution

“Where we are with the truth, there is constant cheerfulness.”


When everything we do is based on truth, we will have no regrets. If there is any trace of falsehood we will begin to feel guilty. Inner cheer is automatically destroyed by a conscience that bites.


In all that we do throughout the day let there be the aim in our mind that we do it the best. When we do everything to the best of our ability we will not regret later. We will then naturally be free from guilt and we will be constantly cheerful.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Meditation And Health

Given below is a simple meditation commentary which can be used to heal the physical body. Think slowly and visualize side by side each positive thought given below before moving on:

I sit quietly and turn inwards……..
I visualize a pinpoint of light, a sparkling star, the source of pure energy that I am……..
located in the center of my forehead……..
In this awareness, white rays of the divine light of purity from me extend into my entire physical body in the form of a laser beam……..
These vibrations of purity soothe, heal and energize my physical system……..
The impurities, toxins and illnesses in the body are being washed away and thrown out from the extremities (corners) of the body……..
The body starts experiencing its original inner beauty……..
It returns to a state of harmony (peace), to a state of good health……


The most powerful energy in the universe is the energy of the mind. Everything we create, from the simplest of objects, to the most complex philosophies, are formed in the human mind. The images and thoughts, which you create at each moment, directly influence your emotional and physical well-being. Imagine yourself eating a lemon and you will begin to salivate (produce saliva in the mouth), picture yourself fall from a cliff edge and you will generate the feeling of falling along with tremendous anxiety (worry), possibly terror.

The key to relaxation lies in what you do with your mind. Like an inner television screen or an artist’s blank canvas, your mind is ready to display any idea or image, which you choose. While meditation tends to have one point of mental focus (an idea, a point of knowledge or mantra), creative visualization is the purposeful use of the mind to create positive images as a result of which we experience relaxation. This is the underlying principle behind the Rajyoga Meditation taught by the Brahma Kumaris.

Values And Purpose

Our actions sometimes are not according to our life’s purpose when we lack the proper connecting value or we are unable to express it correctly. These values help us in bringing our purpose into action. They bring purpose into life. Values are the fuel. In any situation where these values are awakened they will decide my course of action and are the basis of all important choices and decisions. Reinforcement of these values means that you can operate successfully in any situation. If your identified purpose is what you are meant to be doing, then your values are the back-up to do it.

How will we know which values are important to connect to our purpose? We don’t need to make an attempt to create our values. They are already there. We just have to detect them by looking inwards and then use them to fulfill our purpose.

Understanding The Intellect

The soul has three faculties (energies): the mind through which we create thoughts, the intellect with which we understand, judge and decide, and the sanskaras, which are impressions in the form of memories, personality characteristics and habits. All three work together: the mind is influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be either positive or negative. The intellect has to understand, judge and decide what something means and then act. If the intellect is unclear or confused, then understanding and decisions are faulty and, consequently, actions and behaviour result in a lot of negativity, both for the self and others.
Throughout history, teachers have come to give spiritual knowledge, through which they attempt to awaken people’s consciousness in order to make relationships, attitudes, thoughts and actions more positive and loving. For this to happen, there has to be a ‘click’ in the intellect, that is, a realization and willingness to change old habits and negative personality characteristics and to become better ethically and spiritually.
Change is the result of the third eye (intellect) opening.

What Is Consciousness?

The soul is conscient energy, aware of its own existence.Consciousness can be described as the feeling “I am” or “Iexist”. If you examine any thought-decision-action process,you will find that behind it, there is always the feeling: “Iam something or the other”. Consciousness is thus thespringboard for thought, decisions and actions. In otherwords, the soul reacts to external circumstances accordingto how it regards itself at that particular moment.e.g. a doctor is able to perform an operation when there isthe consciousness of being a doctor. That veryconsciousness unlocks or gives the soul access to all theinformation and experience related to being a doctor. Thesoul when it has the consciousness of being a soul is ableto have instant access to its own original qualities. As wehave discussed, there are two different basic levels ofconsciousness; “I am a body” or .I am a soul,” the former,illusory (false) and the latter, real. When the feeling is “Iam a body,” the thought process is trapped in thelimitations, problems and vision of the physical identity.Its reaction to others is on the same level.

“To stay in our self-respect is to achieve success.”


The opinion of the self is usually based on those around us specially on those who are important to us. We usually find our thoughts being swayed by whatever we hear from others about us. As we continue to hear from others we begin to believe what we hear and consider ourselves the same.


We need to recognise our own uniqueness and speciality and make conscious effort to remember and work with them. The more we do this we will be able to maintain our own self-respect. Then we will not be influenced by any criticism but will continue to work for our success.

Understanding The Quality Of Love

It is often said that you cannot truly love others until you are able to love yourself. But what does this mean? Does loving ourselves mean constantly saying to myself “I love myself”? Does loving the self mean giving our self lots of presents? Does loving our self mean we become self obsessed? Fortunately, the answer is no to all of the above. Loving our self is comprised of knowing, understanding and nourishing the self. We need to know someone before we can express an appropriate love for him or her. And so it is with our self. We need to know our self as we truly are, a spiritual being. When we realise we have been asleep and under the wrong belief that we are only physical, almost immediately we see that it is this wrong belief that has filled our thoughts and feelings with many forms of suffering which we have given to ourselves. This understanding of our self allows us to change our consciousness and to give our love for the self its first form, which is self-acceptance. We can accept where we are now without regret. Self-forgiveness is also a form of love for the self, which is forgetting, and letting go of all the things we thought and did in the past, which are causing any suffering to our self in the present. Self-acceptance and self-forgiveness are acts of love towards ourselves. Love for the self also takes the form of care for the self and nourishing the self by spending time in meditation and spiritual study. Not all day, but for some time within each day. Only when we have learned to love our self in these ways, will we be able make love visible for others in our day-to-day relationships.