Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The Signs of the Rushaholic

In a global climate of ever-increasing chaos and change, more and more people are adding some kind of relaxation to their daily routine which are full of rush and hurry.

Here is a brief list to check yourself if you have any of the symptoms of hurry addicts:

1. You are always racing the clock and continuously experience a shortage of time.
2. You are always making lists and are trying to do too many things at once.
3. You spend less than 15-20 minutes a day with your family.
4. You are never satisfied with your achievements and your sense of achievement is based on what others think about you.
5. You are always the one to bring the meeting to an end or to walk away first!
6. You eat while reading or watching television.
7. You never relax for more than 5-10 minutes a day and are always tired

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