Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Exploration and experimentation of a few methods of meditation is required before one decides which is the most suitable method for him/her. One can know through a combination of intuition and experience. One may experience a few moments of peace while gazing (looking steadily) into a candle flame but it is unlikely to help one change a pattern of negative thinking and acting. The rhythm of a mantra being chanted verbally, or even mentally, may remove anxious and angry thoughts for a while, but it won’t change the hidden beliefs and perceptions (way of looking at things), which are responsible for one’s stressful emotions. A good test of any method is to ask yourself five questions: does it increase my self awareness, does it help me understand myself better; does it strengthen me to change my deepest negative habits; does it help bring a lighter and more positive energy to my relationships; does it help me ‘see’ more clearly my values and my purpose in life.

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